藍色精油配方 - 以色列海鹽淨柔潤膚(30分鐘)Full Body Scrubs
Full Body Scrubs 30min - $1000
去除老舊角質,柔淨滋潤。 呵護肌膚、提亮膚色。 以色列天然海鹽(非一般海鹽): 富含硫化物、礦物質、鎂、鉀、氯、溴。 添加質地純淨精油: 鼠尾草、絲柏、葡萄柚、迷迭香及啤酒花萃取液。 (另備有多款精油可供額外挑選)
為確保其他客人服務權益及避免現場客人之久候,若需取消或更改訂位,請提前告知。 *預約完成後我們將盡速寄出確認回函,還請耐心等待,謝謝。 *若您欲與親友同行,請於同時段再預約另一位按摩師,謝謝。 *訂位將保留10分鐘,如逾時將視現場狀況安排座位。 *未開放接待寵物入內或落地(導盲犬除外)。 * 依現場狀況安排座位,若須指定座位請提前告知, 讓我們為您提供最適切的服務。 If you need to cancel or reschedule, please let us know as it affects our staff and other guests who may be waiting for a space. * Reservations will be held for 10 minutes after which guests will be treated as walk-ins and seated on a first come serve basis. *After the appointment is completed, we will send a confirmation letter as soon as possible. Please be patient, thank you. *If you want to make an appointment with relatives and friends, please book another reservation again, thank you. * No pets are allowed inside (Guide dog allowed). * Arrange your seats according to the site conditions. If you need to specify a seat, please let us know in advance, let us provide you with the most suitable service.
台湾新北市板橋區雙十路二段42-1號一 樓